On the Recent Happenings in Syria

Tuesday 10-Dec-2024, 6:40AM / 940

As we reflect on the recent developments in Syria, it is imperative for Salafis to remain cautious and grounded in the principles of the Sharia. The downfall of the tyrannical Assad regime, while a cause for relief and joy over the alleviation of suffering, must not lead us to adopt or justify revolutionary ideologies that have long been condemned by the scholars. The euphoria surrounding such events can sometimes cloud judgment, pushing individuals toward extremist tendencies or a false perception of legitimacy for uprisings and revolutions.

Shaykh Abdul Malik ar-Ramadani (may Allah preserve him) eloquently addressed this in his fatwa, clarifying that the liberation of Syria was not the fruit of revolutions but rather the decree of Allah. He also reminded us that revolutions are a source of evil and chaos, as evident from their devastating impact on the Muslim Ummah. Salafis must guard themselves against being swept away by emotions or narratives that deviate from the methodology of the pious predecessors.

It is crucial to adhere to the teachings of the scholars and follow the Sharia’s guidelines in all matters, especially in turbulent times. The path to rectification lies not in impulsive actions or revolutionary fervor but in steadfast patience, piety, and adherence to Allah’s commands.

About Shaykh Abdul Malik al-Ramdani

Shaykh Abdul Malik ibn Ahmad ibn al-Mubarak al-Ramdani al-Jazairi is a prominent Salafi scholar from Algeria, currently residing in Madinah, Saudi Arabia. He is widely regarded as one of the early Salafi callers in Algeria and is known for his staunch defense of the Salafi methodology, particularly during the great fitnah (trial) that afflicted Algeria.

Born in 1961, Shaykh Abdul Malik dedicated himself to Islamic knowledge and teaching from a young age. By the time he was 27, he had become the imam and khateeb (preacher) of Masjid al-Badr in Hydra, Algiers, commonly known as La Colonne. From 1988 to 1994, he continued to deliver Friday sermons and teach tirelessly.

Shaykh Abdul Malik has been a resolute critic of partisan ideologies and has significantly contributed to spreading the Salafi dawah in Algeria. Despite the challenges faced, including limited resources and opposition from official bodies, the Salafi call flourished under his guidance. His lectures would often attract thousands of students, with people traveling hundreds of miles to attend his Friday sermons.

One of his most notable contributions is his book, Madarik al-Nazar fi al-Siyasah Bayna al-Tatbiqat al-Shar‘iyyah wa al-Infi‘alat al-Hammasiyyah (The Grounds of Perspective in Politics Between Sharia Applications and Emotional Impulses), which provides an insightful analysis of the Algerian fitnah. The book was widely praised by scholars, including the late Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani (may Allah have mercy on him) and Shaykh Abdul Muhsin al-Abbad (may Allah preserve him), for its depth and clarity.

Through his unwavering commitment to the truth, Shaykh Abdul Malik al-Ramadani continues to guide the Ummah, offering balanced and principled perspectives on contemporary issues while remaining rooted in the authentic teachings of Islam. His knowledge, humility, and dedication to the Salafi methodology make him a beacon of light for Muslims navigating the complexities of modern times.

May Allah preserve Shaykh Abdul Malik al-Ramadani, reward him abundantly, and protect the Muslim Ummah from deviation and trials.


This is a fatwa by Shaykh Abdul Malik al-Ramadani - may Allah preserve him and benefit others through him—regarding the misconception: "Why are Salafis rejoicing over the liberation of Syria from the tyrannical Assad regime, even though they oppose revolutionary ideology and warn against uprisings?"

The Question:

May Allah bless you, our Shaykh. Some young people are confused about what happened in Syria—we ask Allah to protect it and its people—from the fall of this tyrant at the hands of the revolutionaries. A believer rejoices over such an event, but how do we reconcile this with the scholars’ warnings against revolutions and their claim that they bring no good?

The Answer:

What happened in Syria is not an endorsement of revolutions. Revolutions have been over for some time. What remains in Syria are a few fighters resisting. Idlib was almost the only city not reached by the regime—may Allah destroy its remnants. Therefore, the revolutions are not what enabled the fighters to achieve this; rather, it was the decree of Allah Almighty. This gift came suddenly, unexpectedly, and beyond imagination.

Revolutions are entirely evil and bring no good. This is evident in the immense harm they brought upon our beloved Syrian people. Moreover, revolutions are a communist concept. The truth is only achieved through jihad that adheres to the Sharia guidelines. This is the kind of effort we should support: Muslims fighting genuine disbelieving aggressors. In the case of Syria, the rulers may indeed be disbelievers. Fighting them is permissible if Muslims possess the strength Allah requires, but not otherwise. For this reason, neither Nuh fought the tyrants of his people, nor did Hud, Salih, Ibrahim, or ‘Isa (peace be upon them). Even Musa (peace be upon him) did not fight Pharaoh for the same reason, as Ibn Taymiyyah mentioned in Al-Sarim Al-Maslul.

Thus, there is no contradiction. What happened is not an endorsement of revolutions but rather the decree of Allah Almighty. We believe in Allah's decree and are pleased when it aligns with what we perceive as good. Nonetheless, we approach all matters according to Allah's law. Rejoicing over the liberation of prisoners, the safety of people, and the spread of mercy is consistent with the Sharia.

The oppressive ruler (Assad) has fled. We would have hoped to witness Allah’s mighty punishment upon him, but the most important thing is that people have been relieved from hardship, as Allah said: "We saved you from your enemy." Allah has rescued them from this oppression. However, we must caution people against repeating such uprisings under similar circumstances.

When it comes to Muslim lands ruled by Muslim leaders, it is never permissible to rebel, even against the most sinful of leaders. The texts prohibiting rebellion against Muslim rulers are clear. Thus, our stance on revolutions remains unchanged. While we denounce them, we submit to Allah's decree and abide by His law.

Muslims once rejoiced over the victory of the Christian Romans over the pagans, as Allah said: "And that day the believers will rejoice in the victory of Allah." However, this does not mean recognizing the correctness of Christianity or having love for Christians, who are enemies of the Muslims. Loyalty and disavowal remain as they are.

Therefore, you in Syria—and similarly, our brothers in Palestine, may Allah ease their hardships—must exercise patience and piety. Allah states: "If good touches you, it distresses them; but if harm strikes you, they rejoice at it. And if you are patient and fear Allah, their plot will not harm you at all." This verse applies today. The disbelievers, for the most part, have allied against the weak Muslims. We ask Allah to ease the situation for you and for all believing men and women.

The hostility and alliance of disbelievers against the Muslims demonstrate their strength and our weakness. This indicates the necessity for Muslims to strengthen themselves. Strength comes first and foremost by adhering to Allah's command: "If you are patient and fear Allah, their plot will not harm you." Therefore, work on cultivating patience and piety, then prepare tangible means of strength. The promise of Allah’s help lies before you.

In summary, what happened in Syria is a gift from Allah. It was not due to any human effort, just as what happened to Musa’s people when Allah destroyed Pharaoh and his army without Musa needing to resist him physically. Instead, Allah commanded him to flee at night, as stated: "Travel by night with My servants; you will surely be pursued." Allah delivered them without resistance due to their weakness. This wisdom is clarified in Allah’s words: "We were oppressed before you came to us and after you came to us." Allah responded: "Perhaps your Lord will destroy your enemy and make you successors in the land to see how you will act."

Therefore, ensure gratitude so that this gift becomes a lasting blessing. Favor leniency over harsh rhetoric to avoid provoking those who lie in wait to pounce upon you during these foundational stages. Avoid threats, as they reflect weakness and recklessness. Allah says: "Pardon and overlook until Allah delivers His command," and "Turn away from them, for you are not to be blamed." Allah supports those who support Him.

Shaykh Abdul Malik al-Ramdani (may Allah preserve him).

The Fatwa was culled from the Shaykh's official Facebook Page by Aboo Aamir 

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