It Is for Our Mutual Goodness

Wednesday 27-Jan-2021, 8:47AM / 715

When there is that constant feeling that we live in a community of Muslims where if you say any rubbish about the Deen some people will call your attention to it, and if you fail to yield positively, that may cause you some verbal and dictional 'assaults,' constructively done or otherwise.

When we have that feeling, we will always crosscheck our facts and our community will be free from religious overlords - who will speak nonsense in the name of the Deen and go scot-free.

Allaah the Mighty has saved Islam from that.

'My Ummah will not unite over misguidance', said the Messenger of Allaah (ï·º).

If you say that is one of the benefits of refutations, you are correct. 

May Allaah keep us firm in the Deen.

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