#Mutual_Advice_Series: Matters Harming the Salafee Da'wah (I)

Tuesday 04-Feb-2020, 1:19AM / 1414

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem 

Introduction: Today in the arena of the call to the way of the Salaf, there are a lot of milltating factors against the Da'wah that need to be mutually corrected else the Da'wah will purge itself of those claiming it. 

Inshaa Allaah in this series, we shall be bringing you some words of correction and advice from As-Shaykh Umar bn Salim Bazmool - may Allaah preserve him on goodness - to those involved in the acts in the Da'wah. 

Point Number One:

من يجمع الأموال باسم الدعوة السلفية أو لانتمائه لها ويصرفها في غير وجهها .اهـ 
Those who raise money (from the public) in the name of Da'wah Salafiyyah or for its growth but spend it elsewhere. 

Point Number Two:

 Ø£Ù† يتصدر للتدريس والدعوة من لم يتدرج في العلم 
الشرعي ولم يتأدب بآدابه  
That someone who has not fared well in Islamic learning or got himself groomed in its ethics should prop himself forward for teaching and Da'wah. 

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