It's my humble request, I know it can avail me of nothing beside my good deeds which unfortunately for me are too meagre but which I hope my Lord the Merciful will forgive me upon.
You may wonder why this request! Is he about to die? Does he want to commit suicide? Is he tired of life?
It is none of the above.
I may live long and I may not.
I have missed death on many of occasions. Didn't I tell you the day I was almost crushed by a truck along Ifè-Ilesha dual carriages? So I don't know which one I will miss next and the one I will not. I don't know which organ in my tommy will soon stop working. For sure, I move in the thongs of danger, so do you. Don't you?
But I really really wish to live long seeing my great great children. I really really wish to live long swimming in the ocean of Qur'aan and Sunnah and its worship. O Allaah grant my wish.
So when I die and you are there, ask Allaah to forgive my sins. Please do. Will you?
Ask for my debts, help me pay the ones you have power to. Please do. Will you?
Let the most pious of you wash me in the best of manners (except my wives say they will do it). Please do. Will you?
Shroud me in the best of shrouds. White cloaks, three sheets, and perfume me with the best perfume. Please do. Will you?
Carry me shoulder-high from an appreciable distance to the cemetery. No known person of heresy should be among the carriers. I need not tell you, hasten up when carrying me. Please do, may Allaah have mercy on me and you. How I wish I am not carried in any vehicle, I really wish.
Let the best of you in Qur'aan, Sunnah and Salafiyyah lead the Janazah over me. I want nine takbeeraat, let the Imaam recite the Faatihah loud, let him pray for my forgiveness, and that of my dad and mum (in silence though). Please do. Will you?
Dig a 'lahd' for me; a niche to the right of the grave. Please try to, I know it's not easy. You can employ professional diggers to do it. Cover my lahd with bricks instead of cut-out planks. Let the most knowledgeable of you give talk as the lahd is dug, just like the Prophet - sallaallahu alahyi wa sallam - did. That's the Sunnah, please do may Allaah honour you. Will you?
Bury me in the Muslim cemetery where I die. I really wish to die in Madeenah and be buried at Baqee al-Gharqad, if the authorities will permit you. If the town where I die has no Muslim cemetery, take me to a nearby town. Bury me in the cemetery even if it is in the forest and I am the first corpse, Allaah will protect me. Please do. Will you?
Make no demarcation for my grave. Just a big stone to my head side. No stone around, no numbering, no plastering.
No wailing, no Fidau, and no gathering over my death.
Anytime or anywhere you heard that that lowly Ishaaq is dead, just pray for me, even if you saw me as your 'greatest enemy' while I was alive. As for me, I didn't hate you in person but your deeds that were clear to me as opposing the Sunnah and righteousness made me 'fight' you for the safety of all including you and me.
I have many other details, I keep them secret, when I die those authorized will know them, Inshaa Allaah.
Please pray for me. Will you?