Play More Deaf and Blind

Friday 27-Dec-2019, 11:59PM / 1259

No doubt, we are in the scariest and strangest of time.

Many saddening things fly about even from unexpected places and sources.

An example is the circle of people of Islam nay the Sunnah, scary and saddening things, Allaah is a Witness.

Just correct what you are able of evils you know are devilish, and look away from many others otherwise you may go insane, people will take you a liar and you will never have a rest of mind.

The Messenger of Allaah - sallaallahu alahyi wa sallam - said:

كفى بالمرء كذبا أن يحدث بكل ما سمع

It is enough to call a man a liar if he narrates everything he hears.

So don't be a narrator of everything you hear, you see, you know, you think.

Have a big stomach to contain many things, you may have to narrate when necessary and you may never. The latter option is always good.

Ibn al-War'dee said:

وتغاضى عن أمور إنه
      لم يفز بالحمد إلا غفل

Play deaf from issues
  Only he who looks away from people attains success of praise. 

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