Have you observed in your local Masjid that some diehard 'opposers' of Sunnah have somewhat and subconsciously dropped some bidah and picked up some Sunnah?
Your 'cry' day and night for the Sunnah, and against the Bid'ah is, after all, not totally wasted.
You would have noticed that some of those 'opposers' have started using the hand to count the tasbeeh. They have started jalsatu istiraahah now.
What about combining salawaat because of the rain? Virtually all the massajid do it now. Even some of the babas will readily remind you if you're the Imaam, 'Imaam, it has rained.'
So why do you think your messages are not heard? No, they are heard. Your audience wants to see your persistence and sincerity.
Just don't worry, fire on, you are hitting your target. Did I say you should fire on? I don't mean you should be tough on the people, no. Be gentle with them but never compromise the truth.
Kindly take note, we have a lot to do at the local masaajid. Shirkiyyaat and mukhaalafaat are still commonplace.
May Allaah aid the Sunnah and those that call to it.