Let's Care for the Population

Saturday 06-Feb-2021, 2:18AM / 1056

There is nothing wrong in desiring that a lot of people embrace Islam.

That we are happy when people throng the masaajid is not out of place.

The Messenger of Allaah and Companions were so desirous of the people and it later paid off; people later came into the Deen 'afwaajan.'

So it is no crime if people come into the Deen, in fact, desiring that is rewardable.

If Allaah uses you to guide a single person to Islam, you know the reward. So the more you are used the more the rewards.

So why would some people not give a damn about guidance of others? They don't care if everybody else goes to hell so far they are guided!

If the people of old were so selfish in conduct, as many of us are today, this continent would still be in darkness, if Allaah wills. 

So talk to the people about Islam. Call the people to Islam. Remind the neglectful Muslims. Invite them to the Masjid, invite to success. Care for them, care for their hereafter. Tell the Christians Islam is the only way. Let them know, without Islam no success.

And let your conduct speak louder. Set good examples in your locality. Let people look unto you as models.

But don't because of desiring that all the people become Muslims compromise your Deen. If you preach the Pristine Islam - Qur'aan and Sunnah according to the Salaf - and you are shunned and not heard, just continue, a people will come to accept it from you. If Allaah wills. 

The population will not make any meaning if it is built on trash. Build it on substance and quality.

But never you care less about the population. Care for them. If you don't, there are many predators out there waiting to devour them, and if you are not careful their tribulation will soon knock on your door.

Please call the people to Islam. 

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