We Are Ignorant, Teach Us O Allaamah!

Wednesday 24-Jan-2024, 6:48AM / 347

You said the Salaf were this-and-that, we went into that annals we found that the Salaf were reasonable gentlemen, who were very stern against the people of bid'ah that they all knew was bid'ah, and that they would pardon those who fell into Bid'ah in error among the people of Sunnah even believing it was Sunnah.

A lot of examples.

You said the contemporary scholars are this-and-that, and we brought you examples of their mutual understandinga about individuals they differ about. You said they are excused but you can't excuse us yet you excuse yourselves among yourselves.

We called you out severally then you said we are abusive (when you are the banbala abusers here).

Then you said we are ignorant.

Ok agreed, Ya Shaykh, al-Allaamah, Faqeehu Aakhir Zamaan, Aalim ath-Thaqalayn, Mufti Diyaar Yoruba, prove our ignorance.

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