Abdullaah bn Maslamah: An Imaam So Humble to Accept Learners' Choice

Wednesday 24-Jan-2024, 6:51AM / 334

That was Abdullah bn Maslamah al-Qa'nabee also one of the Shuyookh Al-Bukhari and one of the foremost students of Al-Imaam Maalik. Many past scholars such as Alee bn Madeenee and Aboo Haatim Ar-Raazee believed that his version of al-Muwata'a of Imaam Maalik that he got from him word by word was more precise.

Aboo Haatim said: We sought his leave to allow us come to him to allow us hear him read al-Muwata'a to us. He said we should come in the mornings we said we would have a class with Hajjaaj bn Minhaal by then. He said we could come after we were done, I told him we would still have a class with Muslim bn Ibrahim. He said no problem when we're through we could come. We told him we would still have a class with Hudhayfah an-Nahdee. He said what of after Asr? We said we would be going to meet Abu an-Nu'maan. We told him, we would be free after Maghrib, he said we should come. So he would come out to us in the open (in front of his house) under a severe heat and read al-Muwata'a to us.

As-Siyar 8/357

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