Abu Mazeedah, You Tried But...

Wednesday 24-Jan-2024, 6:56AM / 466

You tried seeing the reason to refrain from attacking a Muslim ruler. We give you some flowers here. Though it will not be surprising if you come back again tomorrow to eat your v*****.

You are also partially right saying some 'bad boys' under the guise of Sslafiyyah are on an excommunication spree but you should have also added to that we have been trying our best to contain 'the boys'. You should be able to score us high if not things would have degenerated more than this. And should that be a worry? Were you not around in the heydays of Jabata? So leave 'the boys', they will soon come back to normal Inshaa Allaah.

Though we know you are happy 'the boys' are what they are. We can see they have made us give you some rest. You must be very relieved indeed. Seems that relief is coming to an end unless you maintain your lane which your latest post suggests.

Then you went your doublespeaking again:

'I have however always affirmed in my numerous writings that I hold no grudge against the creedal doctines of salafiyah as much as it remains a sincere call to a quick return to the basis. If salafiyah is synonymous with Tawheed; adherence to Sunnah and emulation of the examplary practice of the Muslim forebears; who am I to challenge it?'

Boda, can you tell us the kind of Salafiyyah that you want gan an? Maybe you should write your 'Aqeedatu-Saeediyyah-Salafiyyah'. Boda, I am serious o.

Which Tawheed are we not calling to? What kind of bid'ah you want us to be silent on?

Tell us, what you want gan gan!

But Boda, you suppose to give us kudos for correcting you on your Saudi outbursts. Appreciate us nau!

Hoping to hear from you.

Lest I forget, thanks for being a man a bit by removing that childish 'I will sue you' from the narrative.

E bawa kí gbogbo Abuja o.

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