He That Knows is A Hujjah Against He Who Does Not Know'

Wednesday 24-Jan-2024, 6:58AM / 385

Of course, 'he that knows is a hujjah against he who does not know', yet this can't be a permanent trait in any scholar otherwise you have wrapped some form of divinity around such a scholar.

The case of Sayyid Qutb was clear. May Allaah pardon Al-Allaamah Bakr Abu Zayd for his position on him. We will continue to benefit from him - that is, Shaykh Bakr, we would not silently snub him as some of you do viz in the 'Pristine' bloc.

But we like to ask, who has the hujjah in the matter of Shaykh Muhammad bn Haadee, on one hand, and Shaykh Yahya al-Hajooree on the other hand?

Let's have a head count of the mutanaqqidaat of our time.

The 'Pristine' guys will just be laughing at you guys, that 'see the musa'afiqah and the hajaawirah saying he who knows is a proof against he who does not know.'

NB: the terms, Sa'afiqah, Musa'afiqah, Hajaawirah, etc, I don't wish to use them for anybody because they are terms that aid in the further splits of the Salafis.'

I however use neo-hizbis for the 'Pristine' boys, and the day the Hizbiyyah in them disappears or reduces, I will drop the term Inshaa Allaah (just as I have tried to refrain from using 'Jabata Phase Two' for the 'Senior Boys').

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