In Honour of Abu Al-Barakaat

Wednesday 24-Jan-2024, 6:59AM / 379

I am not praising Abu Al-Barakaat over Allaah or claiming infallibility for him, because He knows him better and is the One to bring to account, but when it comes to Ikhwaani issues and Khilaaf among the scholars of this time, give it to him. He narrates them effortlessly lai wo ìwé. 

This is my candid view about him which I have heard many of our ikhwah saying a similar it, I may be wrong though.

One of our teachers would always joke, 'I trust my friend Ghani (apologies o) he will hold their necks.'

When his opposers can't contend his facts, they will resort to calling him names.

Indeed his explanations over time on these contemporary issues have given us a lot of insight.

Jazakumullahu khayran Shaykh Jumat Abdulghani, may Allaah preserve you on goodness, cover your faults and make you attain good ending.

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