What Do the 'Other' Boys Want Gan-an?

Wednesday 24-Jan-2024, 7:00AM / 456

The other boys (and their mentors), anytime you do an inkaar munkar they feel so embittered that they come out chorusing, 'don't force your opinions on others.'

They are so myopic, just like the 'Pristine' boys, though the former are fairer because there are some among them with some sense, that they think when we say don't be hasty in tabdee we say we should not condemn bid'ah.

Olodo ní yín! Ara yín o sì balẹ.

Before many of you understood that Sunnah, who were the people that fought the bid'ah of the yesteryears? You can scorn this, as you usually do, down you, you know that is the fact.

Just one example: when many of your mentors were in Jabata, who were the people fighting the bid'ah and its people in Yorùbáland? 

What we are saying is don't be hasty and unjust in labelling people. This is the same thing we are fighting the 'Pristine' Boys for. 

You are the same people when people don't correct errors you say they are silent and when they do so you say they are forcing their opinions on others.

Please, what actually do you want? That we leave the Sunnah for you so that you can scatter everywhere? Eeya, that is a pipe dream o. Inshaa Allaah.

Go and know that we never adopted the Sunnah because of you in the first place. You were even nowhere to be found when Allaah guided us to the Sunnah.

Secondly, you can't be our reference points in the matters of the Deen (except when you bring us clear proofs), Allaah sent the Messenger of Allaah - sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - to us, and he said we should look up to the Sahabah and those who followed them in goodness, and the upright scholars upon their path. 

Not you.

So let's know what you actually want.

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