At 21 Years of Age, You Are Aged for Marriage

Thursday 29-Nov-2018, 3:44PM / 2322

Shaykh Saalih al-Uthaymeen (rahimahul Laah) said:

" الذي عمره إحدى وعشرون سنة ليس صغيراً على الزواج، عمرو بن العاص تزوج وله إحدى عشرة سنة، وجاءه ولد، ولهذا يقال: ليس بينه وبين ابنه عبد الله إلا ثلاث عشرة سنة".

" A twenty-one years old person is not young for marriage. 'Amr bn al 'Aas married at eleven years of age and he bore a child. For this, it is said that he was only thirteen years older than his first son Abdullaah."

- al-Liqaa' ash Shahree #3

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Name: Ibraheem Khaleelur-Rahmaan
Sunday 12-Jan-2020, 10:51AM
Comment: May Almighty Allaah ease our affairs...
Name: Bakare AbdulAzeez
Wednesday 18-Mar-2020, 4:38PM
Comment: Sure .. most especially now that zina sef is pandemic !!.
Name: Atharee
Friday 03-Jul-2020, 4:50AM
Comment: Wal Laahul Musta'aan..