Aboo Hurayrah (radhiyal Laahu 'anh) reported: the Prophet (sallal
Laahu 'alayhi wasallam) said:
" Eesaa bn Maryam saw a man while committing
theft and he inquired, are you stealing? The man said: 'No! by Allaah Who has
no partners in worship'. Eesaa thereupon said, 'I believe in Allaah and I belie
my eyes.'
Imaam Ibn Katheer commented thus:
This shows his untainted good nature as he (alayhis Salaam)
thought no one can ever bear false witness with Allaah even if such witness
contracts what he saw with his own eyes. He therefore accepted the man's excuse
and held his own eyes with contempt'.
-Bidaayah wan Nihaayah 2/522 via Saheehul Anbaa pg. 786.