The Strength of Eemaan

Monday 19-Nov-2018, 9:53AM / 907

Ja'far bn Muhammad as-Saa'igh said:

بصر عيني - وإلا فعميتا - ، وسمع أذني - وإلا فصمتا - أحمد بن نصر الخزاعي حيث ضرب عنقه يقول رأسه: "لا إله إلا الله "‼

" I saw with both of my eyes and heard with both of my ears, when Ahmad bn Nasr al-Khazza'ee was beheaded (unjustly for saying the Qur'an is not a creation), his head was chanting: " laa ilaaha illal Laah ".

- Tabaqaatul hanaabilah (1/81).

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