Salient Principles On How To Relate With Innovators

Saturday 10-Nov-2018, 11:16AM / 1225

(An Adaptation from Ash-Shaykh Saeed Raslaan's Daaim Minhaaj An Nubuwah)
pp 144-159

1) Guiding,teaching (them) and establishing evidence (against them), as happened between Ibn Abbaas and [radiyaLlahu anhu] khawaarij.

2)Desertion; neither talking nor greeting them, as it was reported from 'Umar about Sabeegh bn 'Isl.

3)Banishment; as Umar radiyyaLlahu anhu banished Sabeegh.

4)Imprisonment, as Hallaaj [the Sufi who claimed he was The Truth] was imprisoned before he was killed.

5)Mentioning them [to people] with what they are upon,spreading it, in order to warn [masses] not to be deceived by their oratory prowess.

6)Fight with them; if they oppose and rebel against the Muslims,as 'Alliyy radiyaLlahu 'anhu)fought the khawaarij.

7) Killing them [to be carried out by the Muslim government]; if they don't retract,even if they are asked to repent, while they have revealed his innovation.

8) Ruled as a disbeliever; whosoever an evidence indicates his disbelief, like if it is a clear cut innovation of disbelief (without any misinterpretation of any text: As Ibaahiyah[libertinism] and who believes in Huluul[incarnation];like Baatiniyyah[those who believe that the two texts have exoteric meaning]. Thus these (following rulings)are built on them;

9)They can neither inherit nor be inherited,they should neither be bathed nor be prayed upon nor buried in the Muslim cemetery,if their affairs are glaring.Otherwise,they will be ruled with what is glaring.

10)Order not to be married; it's from the aspect of abandonment and severing of connections.

11)Totally disparaging them, both their testification and narration should not be accepted,they should neither be guardians nor judges.Then should not be given an appointment of trust like Imaam or a sermoniser,except some that were authentically mentioned from some salaf, that they reported from them. Then they differed on praying behind them,it is from the means of punishing them and to detract from what they are upon.

12)Abandoning visiting the ill ones among them,it's from the means of checking and punishing (them).

13)Likewise, abandoning witnessing thier janaazah.

14)Beating; as 'Umar beat Sabeegh.

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