(An Adaptation from Ash-Shaykh Saeed Raslaan's Daaim Minhaaj An Nubuwah)
pp. 460-461
BismiLlahi WabiHi Nasta'een.To proceed;
The principle of which the defenders of the innovators relies on is: The Principle of Counterbalance[mitigating] between the goods and the evils.It is a false principle,that the people of innovation infused to defend their scholars.
It is a means to deception and cheat the Muslims,and the prophet [sallaLlaahu 'alayhi was sallam] said; "Whosoever cheats us,is not among us."
Likewise,it is also unfaithfulness to Allah and His Messenger,The Sublime says;
O you who believe! Betray not Allah and His Messenger, nor betray knowingly your Amanat (things entrusted to you, and all the duties which Allah has ordained for you).(Al Anfaal:28).
Which deception is greater than to spread between the Muslims;Excommunication of the Muslims Communities,defamation of the prophets[as Sayd Qutb did in his books At-Tasweer Al Fannee Fee Al Qur'an p.162-164 and 172,Daar Ash Shurûq Edt.],and abusing of the companions of the prophet[see Kutub Wa Shakhsiyaat p.242.],misinterpretation of Al Qur'an,belief that Al Qur'an is created and wahdatul wujûd.Are these evils which are enrolled in the ocean of his righteousness?!(a negating questions).
Which cheating and deception to the Muslims,and unfaithfulness to the religion is greater than these?!
Indeed,their are many (righteous) slaves of Allah who worship Allah with refuting the false (beliefs and principles), crushing the innovators and warning against their innovations.But,measuring between the good and the bad [beliefs] is to Allah The High Alone.
The Sublime says;
And We shall set up balances of justice on the Day of Resurrection, then none will be dealt with unjustly in anything. And if there be the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it. And Sufficient are We as Reckoners.(Al Ambiyaa;47).
The prophet [sallaLlaahu alayhi was sallam] neither guide us to this counterbalance (Al Mawaazanaat) nor used it,even during the admonition and warning,he never mentioned any goodness.This is the methodology of Ahlu Sunnah,whosoever opposes it,is far from to the people of as sunnah,rather fall in the midst of the innovators;cheater of the folloers of Muhammad (sallaLlaahu alayhi was sallam.
It is an obligation on every sermonisers and callers in every nook and crany (of the world) to fear Allah on (the affair of)the youths,to call them to the deen of Allah purely and to uphold to the Qur'an and As Sunnah based on the understanding of the past piou predecessors.
These callers should know that there is no excuse for them,they should not let the people move out from sin,which is not an innovation to the innovation which is more beloved to ash shaytaan than sins.
Daaim Al Minhaaj An Nubuwah pp.460-461.