Manhaj Series (II): Reasons Some Muslims form Blind Coalitions [at-Tahazzub al-Mamquut]

Monday 26-Aug-2019, 3:46AM / 1180

Translation: Aboo Aamir Ishaaq b. AbdirRaheem 


There are many reasons some Muslims with supposed ornamental attributions to Islam gather to form blind coalitions behind a figure or a phenomenon, below are some of those reasons:

One: Ignorance of many with regards to what is necessary and permissible in the Sharee’ah that is loved by Allaah and His Messenger (salallaahu alahyi wa sallam), and that which the Messenger of Allaah (salallaahu alahyi wa sallam) has handed down as his tradition and which the Muslims are expected to follow.

Two: Injustice of many of the Muslims against one another such as when they forbid one another from what Allaah the Mighty has not forbidden, so also is their harbouring hatred towards someone Allaah does not hate. In some other time, it can be in form of they forsaking what Allaah the Mighty has made mutually obligatory upon them with respect to certain rights and dues such as denying those who are entitled to certain rights and giving them to those who are not entitled.

Three: Obedience to conjectures and self-desires such that you will see some of them paying obedience to some people in matters opposing the Sharee’ah. Also such as when many of the learners and worshippers follow whims and desires that could take them out of the fold of Sunnah by harbouring the thoughts and ways of the khawaarij, rawaafid, mu’tazilah and the likes, for examples.

Allaah the Mighty said in the Qur’aan:

وَلَا تَتَّبِعِ ٱلۡهَوَىٰ فَيُضِلَّكَ عَن سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِۚ إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ يَضِلُّونَ عَن سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ لَهُمۡ عَذَابٞ شَدِيدُۢ بِمَا نَسُواْ ÙŠÙŽÙˆÛ¡Ù…ÙŽ ٱلۡحِسَابِ  
And do not follow [your own] desire, as it will lead you astray from the way of Allah." Indeed, those who go astray from the way of Allah will have a severe punishment for having forgotten the Day of Account. [Saad: 26]

Four: Differing and dissension in contravention of unity and togetherness (commmanded by the Sharee’ah) such that some of them become enemies to the others, or love certain people than the others for reasons other than Allaah. The matter may degenerate to mutual vilification, cursing, disparagement and disavowal. Sometimes, this can lead to actual fighting that may involve the use of hands and [lethargic] weapons, some other times it may lead to severing of relations such that some will not pray behind the others. All these are prohibited by Allaah and His Messenger (salallaahu alahyi wa sallam).

Five: Ignorance as regards what actually constitute hizbiyyah [reprehensible group loyalty] and what does not. Some Muslims may think they are upon the right whereas they are not this is because the knowledge of the reality of hizibiyyah hinges on proper understanding of what actually is the way of Party of Allaah in terms of knowledge, action and call. Thus whoever is upon the Sharee’ah is from the Party of Allaah according to how obedient he is to the Sharee’ah he claims to follow.

Six: Getting involved in contentious matters without properly deciphering them. Such involvement often leads to fanaticism and rallying support for matters in question in the most horrifying manners. 

Seven: Going to the extreme or being lax with regards to ensuring the proper observance of rights of the individuals and groups. The way out from this is to cooperate with all according to what they have of truth.

Eight: Accepting some truth, acting by it and being fanatic about it; so also is forsaking some truth and acting fanatically in its opposition.

Nine: Rejecting the principle that have to do with how to cooperate under the objectives and goals of the Sharee’ah.

Ten: Craving for selfish needs and the dirty things the hearts habour such as fame and recognition. This often leads to arrogance from accepting the truth, hoping for a worldly benefit and other things.

Abridged from: Tahdheerun Naasiheen minat-Tahazzub lilUlamaa wal Murabbeen [Warning the Sincere from Groupism to Scholars and Trainers], pp. 51-60.