Final Note: Jar'h Wa Ta'deel Is Ijithaad, and Ilzaam bí-Tabdee is by Ijmaa

Monday 25-Sep-2023, 1:55AM / 1658

Compiler's Final Note 

قال جامعه

وعلى ما تقدم ذكره، فلا يشرع لمن اقتنع بالجرح -  سالما من الحسد وسوء الطوية في الإقتناع - أن يلزم غيره به، لأن ذلك من الاجتهاد، والعالم المجتهد لا يلزم غيره من الناس برأيه غير ما على الجاهل المقلد من تقليد العالم؛ ومن أقوى الأدلة على ذلك: اختلاف الصحابة - رضوان الله عليهم أجمعين  - في أعظم مجروح، وأهم جرح وهو الدجال الأكبر: هل هو ابن صياد أو لا؟ حتى كان عمر بن الخطاب، وابنه عبد الله، وجابر بن عبد الله الأنصاري - رضي الله عنهم - يقسمون بالله أن ابن صياد هو المسيح الدجال، كما في الصحيحين من حديث محمد ابن المنكدر - رحمه الله - قال: "رأيت جابر بن عبد الله يحلف بالله أن ابن الصياد  الدجال. قلت (يعني ابن المنكدر): تحلف بالله؟ قال إني سمعت عمر يحلف على ذلك عند النبي (صلى الله عليه وسلم) فلم ينكره النبي (صلى الله عليه وسلم)."  وفي سنن أبي داود - بسند صحيح - عن نافع قال: "كان ابن عمر يقول : "والله ما أشك أن المسيح الدجال ابن الصياد." وهؤلاء الثلاثة من الصحابة - رضي الله عنهم  - لم يصدروا هذا الحكم إلا بعد بحث ونظر ومقارنة لواقع ابن الصياد مع ما سمعوه من النبي (صلى الله عليه وسلم) في شأن الدجال - وهو الاجتهاد -ØŒ  بل إن النبي (صلى الله عليه وسلم) كان لا ينكر على عمر اجتهاده، ومع ذلك، لم يكن هؤلاء الثلاثة يلزمون غيرهم بموافقتهم في حكمهم، ولا ينكرون على غيرهم أنهم لا يوافقونهم  على اجتهادهم في الرجل. 

ومثل هذا كثير جدا في كتب التراجم والسير، يعرفه من كان له أدنى القرب بها، فليس من منهج السلف الصالح ولا من بعدهم ممن كان على نهجهم أن يلزموا الناس بأقوالهم في مسائل الاجتهاد إذا اختلف النظر والرأي بينهم، إلا فيما أجمعوا عليه، والإجماع لا يجوز مخالفته.

هذا، وصل الله وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين، آمين،

Based on the foregoing it is not legal for whoever (among the scholars) that is convinced of a disparagement on an individual, if he (the disparager) is safe from envy and bad inner thoughts, to force another person on that because this is a matter of Ijtihaad. A scholar at a level of Ijtihaad will not force his views on other people, except in the case of an ignorant muqallid whose lot is to follow a scholar (in his view).

One of the strongest proofs for the impermissiblity of that was the difference among the Companions - may Allaah be pleased with all of them - regarding the greatest disparageable being  - the Great Dajjal.

They differed whether he was Ibn Sayyad or someone else to the extent that Umar bn Khattab and his son, Abdullah,, as well as Jaabir bn Abdullaah al-Ansaaree - may Allaah be pleased with them - would swear by Allaah that Ibn Sayyad was the actual Dajjal as recorded in the Two Saheeh in the hadeeth of Muhammad bn al-Munkadir - rahimahullah.

He said: 'I saw Jaabir bn Abdillaah swearing by Allaah that Ibn Sayyad was the Dajjal.' I said to him: 'Did you swear by Allaah (over this)?' He said I heard Umar swearing over that in front of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and the latter never reprimanded him.'

It is also recorded in Sunan Abee Daawud - with an authentic chain - from Naafi who said: 'Ibn Umar used to say: By Allaah, I am not in doubt that Ibn Sayyad is the Dajjal.' 

These three great Companions - may Allaah be pleased with them - never arrived at this view except after deep findings and observations, and for the fact that they saw the semblance (of Dajjal) in that Ibn Sayyad, and for what they heard from the Prophet - sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - regarding Dajjal. It was an act of Ijtihaad from them, even the Prophet - sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - never decried Umar for his Ijtihaad. Despite that, these three did not force their view on others, and they did not take offence with others who did not go by their view regarding their Ijtihaad over the man.

The like of this is much in the books of men of narrations, and their biographies. Anyone who possesses the least of closeness to those books will know this.

Therefore it is not from the methodology of Salaf Saalih or those who came after them and who were on their footsteps to force their statements in matters of Ijtihaad down the throats of others when there is difference of views among them except in what they agreed upon. When there is Ijmaa (consensus) there is no room for another opinion.

This is it. May the best of blessings and peace be upon our Prophet, Muhammad; his household, and all his Companions. Aameen.

Compiled, arranged into sections and annotated upon by your brother in Allaah.

Translator's Note:
May Allaah reward the teacher best. He promises to bring clear examples of this matter in the lives of the Salaf, in the forthcoming article Inshaa Allaah. When he does that, we shall be here too to render it into English Language. May Allaah spare our lives and unite all of us upon the truth.

Click HERE for the synopsis to the rest of the articles.