Muslim Rulers and Ties with Non-Muslim Governments

Saturday 10-Nov-2018, 5:33PM / 1207


There are some Muslims who are prone to declaring many of the Muslim rulers as disbelievers because of alleged alliances between them and some kaafir nations. An apt example is the supposed alliance, tie and treaty between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States of America, or with the United Kingdom. Many of those who rush to make such judgements often jettison the principles of the Shariah while doing so.

Firstly, if the alliances between them is in the form of the Muslim governments aiding the Kuffaar governments against a fellow Muslim country (or a Muslim individual), no doubt that it is superficially unbelief on part of that government yet the declaration of kufr against it cannot be expressly made without recourse to the principles of Shariah.

If the supposed aid is borne out of mundane reasons, then the Muslim government can be excused. The proof for that was the Prophet