The Creed and Methodology of Islam (I)

Thursday 13-Dec-2018, 12:55AM / 1201

This is a translation of a set of books authored by the scholars of Sunnah on the Correct Islamic Belief ('Aqeedah) and Methodology (Manhaj), rendered into the English Language for the benefits of the English speaking Muslims and non-Muslims wishing to learn about Islam in its undiluted form. 

The present book is entitled: 'Al-Emaan: Haqeeqatu-hu wá nawaaqidu-hu (Faith: Its Reality and Nullifiers) by Ash-Shaykh ‘Abdul-Azeez ibn ‘Abdillaah ar-Raajihhee. 

Translator: Aboo ‘Ubaidah, Ridwan Sanyaolu 

Reality and Nullifiers of Belief 
All Praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, He guides by His Grace and Greatness whoever He wishes from amongst His slaves to the correct Islamic belief and He forsakes whoever He wishes by His Wisdom and Justice, then they fall into disbelief. May the Blessings and Salutations of Allaah be upon His slave and messenger, our Prophet Muhammad, the Seal of His Prophets and Messengers. Allaah (The Glorified, the all-Mighty) rescues whoever He wishes from disbelief and darkness and brings them to the correct Islamic belief, His Brightness and Limelight. May the Blessings and Salutation be upon the household of His Messenger, Companions and those who follow his footstep.

As for what follows:

It has been authenticated in the Sahih of al-Imaam Muslim (may Allah be merciful upon him) and others apart from him, in the hadeeth of ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with them both) that Jibreel (may the Blessings of Allah and His Salutations be upon him) came to the Prophet Muhammad (may Blessings of Allah and His Salutations be upon him) in the appearance of a man and he (Jibreel) asked him (the Prophet) about al-Islaam (the Religion of Allaah), then al-Eemaan (the Belief), then al-Ihsaan (Goodness in the Religion of Allaah), then (about) the Hour (Resurrection), then about its signs. The Prophet Muhammad (may the Blessings of Allah and His Salutations be upon Him) answered when he (may the Blessings of Allah and His Salutations be upon Him) was asked about the correct Islamic belief with this statement:

“That you believe in Allaah, His Angels, His Revealed Books, His Messengers and the Day of Ressurection and that you believe in the Predestination, the good of it and the bad of it.”

This is a great hadeeth, our honorable Prophet Muhammad (may the Blessings of Allah and His Salutations be upon him) explained in it the foundation of the Correct Islamic Belief and Ideology, that with which the believer differentiates himself from the unbeliever, these six fundamental principles are:

Believing in Allaah, 
Believing in His Angels, 
Believing in His (revealed) Books, 
Believing in His Messengers, 
Believing in the Day of Resurrection, 
Believing in the Predestination, the good of it and the bad.

Now we take it one after the other inshaa Allaah.: