Harmattan Series: Wiping Over the Leather Slippers or Socks

Thursday 06-Dec-2018, 10:01AM / 1898

Al-Imaam Ibn Daqeeq Al-'Eed said: Legality of rubbing over the leather slippers is widely known among the scholars, till it was mentioned among the emblem of Ahlus Sunnah and denouncing it is considered as a sign of the people of innovation.

Ibn Mundhur(Al-Awsat vol.1 p.462) said: The permissibility of rubbing over the leather slippers was reported from nine Companions of the Messenger of Allaah(sallaLlaah 'alayhi wa sallam). And Ibn Qayyim (Tahdhib As-Sunan vol.1p.122) increased their number with four.

 There is no difference - in the ruling - between leather slippers and socks.

Thus, these are the rulings related to it:

i) Al Khattaabee Al-Maalikee (in At-Tawdeeh) said: Al-Jawrab is what is in form of leather socks made from either linen or cotton or other apart from them.

I (Al-Halabee) said: An-Nawaawee reported it (Al-Majmoo' vol.1 p.500) legality of rubbing over the leather slippers even if there are light (in texture) from 'Umar and 'Alee radiyaLlaahu 'anhumaa.

Ash-Shaykh Al-'Uthaymeen (rahimahuLlaahu) was asked: About the opinion of some of the scholars, on the legality of rubbing over whatever it is worn on legs.

He answered: The opinion that the questioneer inducated-legality of rubbing over whatever it is worn on the leg-is the authentic opinion. Because the reported textual evidences regarding rubbing over the leather slippers is absolute. It was not restricted with any conditions.

ii) Is it permissible to rub over a shoe

Ibn Tirkmaanee in Aj-Jawhar An-Naqiyy(vol.1 p.288)said: At-Tirmidhee authenticated the narration of wiping over socks and shoes and classed it hasan(good) in the narration of Huzayl bn Mugheerah, also graded it authentic in the hadeeth of Adh-Dhahaak from Abee Mūsaa. Ibn Hibbaan authenticated wiping over the shoes from the narration of Aws and Ibn Khuzaymah authenticated it from 'Umar regarding wiping over the leather shoe. And what Al-Bayhaqee mentioned in the narration of Zayd bn Al-Habbaab from at Thawree from Ibn 'Abbaas regarding wiping over the shoes as a good narration. Likewise ibn Qattaan authenticated it from Ibn 'Umar.

Our Shaykh Al-Albaanee commented on it(Tammaam An-Nash p.83)that: Once you have known this, it is not allowed for you to be confused in accepting it ease(rukhsah) after authenticating its narration.

iii) Tattered Socks or Leather Slippers:

 Ash-Shaykh Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah said(Ikhtiyaar Al-Fiqhiyyah p.13) said:
It is permissible to wipe over tattered leather socks, once its name remains and it is possible to trek with it. It is from the first opinions of Ash-Shaafi'ee, Abee Barakaat and others from him among the scholars.

'Abdur-Razzaaq(Al-Musannaf 753)and Al-Bayhaqee(Sunan Al-Kuburah vol.1 p.283) from Sufyān Ath-Thawree, he said: Wipe over both of it, once they are tied with your legs, were the leather socks of the Muhaajiroon and Al-Ansaar nothing than tattered and pierced?

Aboo Thawr(Al-Awsaat vol.1 p.450) said: Had it been tattered impede wiping over(leather socks), the prophet (sallaLlaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) would have explained.

iv) Scheduling of Wiping

It was largely reported from him (sallaLlaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) regarding wiping over leather socks: The time limit for wiping over the socks for a traveller is three days (and three nights) and for a resident it is one day and one night.It was reported from over twenty companions.

I seek blessing upon prophet Muhammad sallaLlaahu alayhi wa sallam, his household and companions.