By Aboo Aamir Ishaaq b. AbdirRaheem
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
It is a a strong requirement that one appears so good to Jum'ah even if it will require that one takes a specific good cloth for Jum'ah alone. The Messenger of Allaah - sallallaahu alahyi wa sallam - said:
ما على أحدكم لو اشترى ثوبين لجمعة سوى ثوبي مهنته
'There is no blame upon any of you if he buys two cloths for Jum'ah beside two other cloths for his (daily) job.'
Recorded by Aboo Daawud and Ibn Maajah. Said Ash-Shaykh Mash'hoor - hafidhahullaahu - in Al-Qaul al-Mubeen (p. 345): 'The Isnaad is saheeh, it has a supportive route in the hadeeth of Aaishah...'
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