Harmattan Series: The Legality of Combining Zhuhr and Asr Prayers

Tuesday 11-Dec-2018, 10:39PM / 2114

The Fourth Isssue: Combining between Zhuhr and Asr

Some of the scholars permit combining between Maghrib and Ishaa, while prohibit combining between Zhuhr and Asr.

Despite the fact that the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas that they cite as evidence – basically – upon  the permissibility of combining between Maghrib and Ishaa', is also the same that contains the permissibility of combining between Zhuhr and Asr upon the same limitation.

Al Imaam Ibn Abdir-Razzaaq collected it (Al-Mussannaf vol.2 p. 556) via Safwaan bn Sulaym that, 'Umar radiyaLlaahu 'anhu combined between Zhuhr and Asr in the rainy day.

Al-Mardaawiyy (Al-Insaaf vol.2 p.337) said in explicating the ruling of combining between Zhuhr and Asr: ‘It is allowed; exactly like the two night prayers. This is the opinion of Al-Qaadee, Aboo Al-Khattaab, Ibn Taymiyyah. Ibn Hubeerab did not mention from Ahmad other than him.

Al-'Allaamah Taajud-deen As-Subkee (At-Tawsheeh 'ala Saheeh) said:
Our school of thought regarding the combination (of Salaah) is the widest; because we allow combining between Zhuhr and Asr and Maghrib and Ishaa.

Mahmood Khattaab As-Subkee said: With the explanation of Maalik, it necessitates permissibility of combining between Zhuhr and Asr and Maghrib and Ishaa because of the rain.

The author (of the book under review) said: If the excuse is wider than the mere rain – as was mentioned – then the ruling is also more general than it.
Benefit: Regarding the Issue of Combining between Jumu'ah and Asr.

What is clear to me (that is, the original author) is, it is allowed, because the issue relates to the two times (of Salaah) becoming one time. This does not have any connection with prayer. Allaah knows best.