Reminder Numerical: One to Ten [Poem]

Monday 28-Jan-2019, 11:02PM / 1664

By Aboo Sahl @dhikrulas

One is everyone's soul
Heading to one of the two paths
Never be like a Mu'tazilee
Whose creed never frees from three

Four are the steps;
[Yesterday] in the womb
[Today] on earth 
[Tomorrow] in the tomb
Then all end on Doomsday.

Five are the Pillars
And Six are the Articles
Perfectly fulfilling both
Engenders the angelic escort to the Seventh Heaven
Bringing safety from Seven kinds of hell;
Then to one of the Eight Doors of Jannah

My brother, no dulling
Act fast
Be on cloud nine
For being a muslim whose one worship is tenfolds
In reward or beyond.