It is another season of widespread football matches and they are being broadcast on televisions, what is the ruling of watching it if it is not based on partisanship (for one’s team) nor imitation, but merely for relaxation?
What is clear to us and obvious in playing football is that it keeps one busy from good deeds and distracts one from congregational prayers. It ought to be abandoned. The matter will be simple if the matches can be regulated and reduced to a short time and nakedness (of the players) is not exposed, and the daily prayers are established, it is simple if this is observed. But for what we observe in those that indulge in it in terms of their great delusion and frequent missing of prayers from the players and spectators altogether, we believe this act is forbidden and detested. It is not permissible at all, neither in this state or any other Muslim states because the act leads them to a great evil. They distract people on radio and televisions, they occupy people’s time and make people miss prayers. Many of the players too wear costumes that expose their nakedness and their thighs, thereby causing trial for people. All these are reprehensible and abominable acts that are not justifiable.
In essence, the football people play today has great evils but little or no good at all.The fact that it brings relaxation and fitness is of no significance compared to the greater evils it causes.
So, we believe that football of today is haram and reprehensible unless its folks keep to modest dressing, preserving time and establishing prayers promptly and punctually, provided that the duration of the matches, too, does not cause people to miss their prayers, nether the spectators nor the players. This is the reality, may Allaah grant us safety.
Questioner: Shaykh, are they extremely uncovered?
Shaykh: We ask Allaah to guide them and us aright.
Questioner: what about you write about it for them, or…?
Shaykh: Haw many have been written!! Allaah’s aid is sought. Don’t think the matter is like this. We have made necessary efforts. We will just keep praying to Allaah to guide us and them aright.
Translation: Abu Nuaym Tayyib Al-Imaam
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