Good News for Those Who May Never Get Married

Thursday 07-Nov-2024, 5:57AM / 2279

Translation and annotation: Ishaaq bn AbdirRaheem Aboo Aamir

Most often, the major headache for any bachelor or spinster ripe for Nikaah is the actual Nikaah. It is always painful if this dream has not come to the reality. May Allaah ease all affairs.

However, if one dies as a bachelor or a spinster upon the firm faith in Allaah the Creator, then take the glad tidings that you will get married in the Jannah.

Aboo Hurairah – radiyaLlahu an’hu – reported from the Messenger of Allaah – salallaahu alahyi wa sallam – that he said: 

" ليس في الجنة أعزب "

‘No bachelorhood [or spinsterhood] in the Jannah.’

Al-Imaam al-Albaanee – rahimahuLlaahu ta’aalaa graded it as saheeh in as-Silsilah as-Saheehah: 5/14.

May Allaah grant us the Jannah.