Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
This response by our esteemed teacher, Fadeelatu Ash-Shaykh Tawfeeq Bn Raabi' Aboo Hanun (may Allah preserve him upon goodness), addresses what should be the correct understanding about a Hadeeth that supposedly depicts the current economic situation.
Transcription and Translation by Aboo Nuaym Tayyib Al-Imaam
Anas bn Maalik - radiyallahu anhu - reported that the Messenger of Allaah - sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - said:
اصبروا Ùإنه لا يأتي زمان إلا والذي بعده شر منه Øتى تلقوا ربكم
"Be patient (till you meet your Lord), for no time will come upon you, except that the time that follows is even worse."
The understanding of this hadeeth among the scholars is that it only pertains to the quality and vibrance of Islamic knowledge and the state of the religion itself over time, rather than the economic condition and well-being of a community as being commonly misunderstood by the general populace.
As a typical illustration, scholars have cited the era of Khaleefah Umar Bn Abdulazeez - rahimahullah - that succeeded the era of internal conflicts and trials among the Companions, yet the latter witnessed financial buoyancy and prosperous economy than the former. The regime of Khaleefah Umar Bn Abdul-Azeez, despite the fact that it came immediately after the regime of the Companions thrived better than the latter in terms of social and economic livelihood. Therefore, the understanding of the hadith focuses more on the deterioration in religious well-being and adherence to Islam than a declining economic condition of societies.
The era of Khaleefah Umar bn Abdul-Azeez was not comparable to the era of the preceding Companions in terms of knowledge and religious liveliness, because he belonged to the generation of Taabi'un (successors to the Companions), likewise most of his contemporaries belonged to this generation. Just like it won't be appropriate to compare the time of Abu Bakr (may Allaah be pleased with him), the first Khaleefah after the Prophet - sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - with the time of the Prophet - sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, whereas Mu'aawiyah's regime could not also stand up to Abu Bakr's era, even Alee's rigime. All these periods were exceptional in their own times but the later the generation the more noticeable the decline in quality of knowledge.
Therefore, the point is the above hadeeth only suggests and predicts a generation-by-generation deterioration in religious authenticity and originality.
In essence, regardless of the poor, devastated state of the economy today, nothing rules out its possibility of booming in the nearest future if Allaah wills. This lies in the Hands of Allaah, after due and necessary factors are put in place. There is hope that things can still change for better. In fact, Muslims ought not lose hope that these situation can get better. Never! That will amount to a blameworthy assumption and perception of Allaah and despair in His Mercy, which is not expected of a true Muslim.
Certainly, the state of any nation is contingent upon a number of facts and factors, and Allah has His unique natural ways of governing affairs. Everyone should not act oblivious of the poor state of Islam within our societies nor act nonchalantly about what the religion has become around us. Undoubtedly, the faith is weak, despite the efforts of scholars in preaching its teachings. Nevertheless, we are grateful to Allah for the recent significant improvement.
No condition is permanent. There have been times when the economy flourished. However, certain factors are responsible for changes in these conditions. These factors are known as Al-Asbaab Al-Kawniyyah, referring to natural causes as opposed to divine causes. One factor contributing to adversity in welfare is the proliferation of evil deeds and the unrepentant commission of sins. Another factor is the failure to obey the laws of Allaah, most especially His Laws regulating commerce and trade activities, the rate of frauds and cheating in measurement and scales of goods is despicable.
One hadeeth of the Prophet - sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - becomes relevant here:
'O Muhaajiroon, if you are afflicted with five things, may Allaah forbid that you are afflicted with them [then expect these consequences]. Immorality will not become prevalent among a people so much so that they commit it openly, except that Allaah afflict them with plagues that were not known to their forefathers. People will not cheat in scales and measures except that they suffer famine and recession, incur hardship in livelihood and bear the grunts of oppression by their rulers....' (Saheeh Al-Jaami, 7978)
The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) attached the three different punishment to the act of cheating alone.
This is the repercussion of their cheating. Only if they could rectify their affairs, like Allaah says:
وَلَوْ أَنَّ أَهْلَ ٱلْقÙرَىٰٓ ءَامَنÙوا۟ وَٱتَّقَوْا۟ Ù„ÙŽÙَتَØْنَا عَلَيْهÙÙ… بَرَكَـٰتÙÛ¢ مّÙÙ†ÙŽ ٱلسَّمَآء٠وَٱلْأَرْض٠وَلَـٰكÙÙ† كَذَّبÙوا۟ ÙَأَخَذْنَـٰهÙÙ… بÙمَا كَانÙوا۟ يَكْسÙبÙونَ ٩٦
If the people of the communities have been faithful and mindful ˹of Allah˺, We would have opened for them [doors of] blessings from heaven and earth. But they disbelieved, so We seized them for what they used to commit.
If they rectify their affairs and obey the injunctions of Allaah, there will be timely rainfall, the land will be blessed and farm produce will will be abundant consequently. This will better the situation of the economy, but unfortunately, people are myopic in their reasonings, as you see most of them do not know more than blaming and criticizing the government. While some are also carried away with petty economics and statistics. They fail to put into consideration the do's and don'ts of Allaah. So pathetic.
One other menace bedeviling the country is democracy, for the bulk of its principles and doctrines contravene the Sharia.
From the economic malaise is mismanagement and misappropriation of funds.
On a local level, a family man that has substantial earnings will struggle to sustain the family if he spends lavishly. He will be as good as inviting hunger to the household if he is extravagant. This applies to the nation as well. Allaah does not appreciate lavish spending and extravagance on His provisions.
We see from the foregoing that some of the factors responsible for the economic malady are natural and mundane factors while some others are religious factors. People themselves in most cases invited the hardship that visited them. Let's also learn from the story of Prophet Yusuf where he advised his people on the need to save and invest. Allaah says:
Surah 12:47
قَالَ تَزْرَعÙونَ سَبْعَ سÙÙ†Ùينَ دَأَبًÛا Ùَمَا ØَصَدتّÙمْ ÙَذَرÙوه٠ÙÙÙ‰ سÙنۢبÙÙ„ÙÙ‡ÙÛ¦Ù“ Ø¥Ùلَّا Ù‚ÙŽÙ„ÙيلًÛا مّÙمَّا تَأْكÙÙ„Ùونَ ٤٧
Joseph replied, “You will plant ˹grain˺ for seven consecutive years, leaving in the ear whatever you will harvest, except for the little you will eat.
This underscores the need for economical management and administration. The idea here is to save for rainy days. A nation worth its name ought to have national reserve and silos, for essentialities like food and other resources.
Many countries have their national reserves too, like America and most Asian countries. But many individuals eat with all ten fingers. Anyone who is conversant with the economic realities will know that most of buoyant countries fetch water ahead of dry seasons. The case is different in most African countries due to their corrupt acts and malpractices. That is why it is common to hear that one man has embezzled billions and trillions in African countries.
Hence, the economic downturn does not come under this Hadeeth. We call on the generality of people, the leaders and the followers alike, the government and the masses to adhere to Islamic injunctions in times of inflation and economic instability as being experienced currently. Islam has proffered solutions to any problem a people may be facing at any point in time, which makes Islam stands out as a comprehensive way of life. Failure to comply with Allaah's rulings will only complicate and worsen the situation. Allaah created us, He knows best what will work for us and what is best for our welfare and conditions.
It is time to stop blaming the government for everything. Let all and sundry rectify their affairs, turn to Allaah in repentance and hearken to the admonitions of scholars that we may live with peace of mind and prosperity.
May Allaah rectify our entire affairs and ease our endeavours. May He restore peace to our country and bless us all. Aameen.
2nd Sha'baan 1445AH (12th of February, 2024)