Hadeeth Ad-Deek [Hadeeth of Rooster]

Saturday 21-Dec-2024, 7:30AM / 2059


The Prophet sallaLlaahu ‘alayhiwasallam said:

" إن الله أذن لي أن أحدث عن ديك قد مرقت رجلاه الأرض,وعنقه منثن تحت العرش, والعرش على منكبيه, وهو يقول :سبحانك أين كنت و أين تكون؟ وفي رواية وهو يقول : سبحانك ما أعظمك ربنا. فيرد عليه : ما يعلم ذلك من حلف بي كاذبا."

Allah permitted me to relate information about a rooster whose legs are on the earth and neck is fixed under the Throne, saying: Glorified are you (O Allah), Where have You been? And where are You? In another narration: How Magnificent are You, our Lord! The reply to it will be: He who swore with Me falsely will not know that.

{Collected by At Tabaraanee and Al Haakim. Al Albaanee graded it authentic in As Saheehah vol.1 p.281}.

Scholars have works on the nobilities of rooster (in general), viz:

- Aboo Nu’aym Al-Asbhaanee (d.430): Juz’ feehifadhladdeek.
- As-Sama’aanee (d.562); Fadhl Ad Deek
- ‘Abdul Hameed bn Al Mudhafar Al Kalnakeenee: Ad Deek
- As Suyootee (d. 911): Al Wadeek fee Akhbaar Ad Deek
- An unknown author: Al Ishaarah wa Ad Dalaai lIlaa Bayaan fee Deek min As Sifaatwa Al Fadhaaeel.
- Aboo Mu’awiyyah Maazin bn ‘AbdirRahmaan: Juz fee Ad Deek wa Ba’d Fadhaailihi wa Nawaadirihi.