Creedal Clarity: A Series on Counsels to the Students of Knowledge (III)

Tuesday 16-Jul-2019, 1:45AM / 1207

Translation by: Aboo Aamaal Misbaah Olagunju

The Third Counsel (O Student of Knowledge) is:

 الوضوح العقدي

Since 'Aqeedah (creed) is the greatest of affair, it is incumbent upon the student of knowledge to stick to the correct creeds revealed in the revelational texts, that which the predecessors of this Ummah and it’s A'imah (leaders) were upon, in all the aspects of creed, and the greatest of these and the most significant is At-Tawheed (monotheism) which is the criterion between the polytheist and the believer, therefore let the student of knowledge stick to the correct creed, and be conversant with the proofs and reports of the pious predecessors regarding it, so he can build his conviction upon a foundation of sound knowledge, and also be cautious of bid'ah (innovation), for it is misguidance as elucidated by the Prophet —Allah raise his rank and grant him peace.

And the intelligent would distance himself from misguidance rather than run towards it.

Al-Wasaayaa Litulaabil Ilm (12) — Ash-Shaykh Dr. Abdullah bin Abdul'Azeez Al-‘Anqaree