Can He Start His Studies from ‘Fiqh Khilaaf’ – Comparative Islamic Jurisprudence?

Saturday 04-Jan-2020, 4:44AM / 2542

Questioner: We see some students starting their learning in Fiqh from Fiqh Ikhtilaaf, is this methodology proper? Is it necessary to follow a procedure in learning Fiqh? Kindly explain this to us.

Answer: What is the meaning of Fiqh Ikhtilaaf? Do you mean, scholars’ difference of opinions? No, this is an error. Whoever starts his learning in Fiqh from the books of difference of opinion of the scholars is lost, he will waste [his time], no doubt. What is however better is for him to get acquainted with a specific school of jurisprudence, when the jurisprudence [of that school] is well entrenched in him then he can go ahead to study books of comparative jurisprudence until Allaah will pave the way for him whereby he can ascertain what opinion is superior which one is not, but for him to commence from khilaaf while he is a beginner, his similitude is like that person who throngs himself into a big ocean while he does not know how to swim.

Source: Al-Fatawa ath-Thulaathiyyah p.10

السؤال:  نرى بعض الطلاب يبدءون دراستهم في الفقه بفقه الاختلاف، فهل هذه الطريقة سديدة؟ وهل دراسة الفقه تحتاج إلى تدرج؟ بينوا لنا في ذلك.

الجواب: ما معنى فقه الاختلاف؟ يعني اختلاف العلماء؟ لا، هذا غلط، الذي يبدأ بالفقه بكتب الاختلاف فقد ضاع، يضيع بلا شك، الأحسن أن يركز على مذهب معين ويتقن كتبه، فإذا رسخ الفقه في ذهنه حينئذ ينظر في كتب الاختلاف حتى إذا فتح الله عليه يرجح هذا أو هذا، أما أن يبدأ بذكر خلاف وهو ناشئ فهذا كالذي ألقى نفسه في اليم وهو لا يعرف السباحة