Knowledge Seeker in An Unending Joy

Saturday 27-Jun-2020, 10:46PM / 1332


Al-Imaam al-Munaawee, rahimahullahu, said:

'The knowledge seeker who enjoys what he is comprehending (of knowledge) will not cease to increase in the pursuit of what will make him enjoy more. The more he learns, the higher the enjoyment. He might seek an end to the enjoyment but will never be able to see its end.'

Faydul Qadeer, 1/163

Translated by Aboo Aamir Ishaaq bn AbdirRaheem via Jameel Ibraheem. 

‏قال الإمام المناوي:

 Ø·Ø§Ù„بُ العلمِ المتلذذ بفهمه لا يزالُ يطلبُ ما يزيدُ التذاذه، 
فكلما طلبَ ازدادَ لذةً، 
فهو يطلبُ نهايةَ اللَّذة، ولا نهاية لها.

فيض القدير (١٦٣/١).