Talking to the Youth Series (III)
عَنْ أَبÙÙŠ Ù‡Ùرَيْرَةَ ØŒ قَالَ : قَالَ رَسÙول٠الله٠صَلَّى الله عَليْه٠وسَلَّمَ : سَيَأْتÙÙŠ عَلَى النَّاس٠سَنَوَاتٌ خَدَّاعَات٠، ÙŠÙصَدَّق٠ÙÙيهَا الْكَاذÙب٠، ÙˆÙŽÙŠÙكَذَّب٠ÙÙيهَا الصَّادÙÙ‚Ù ØŒ ÙˆÙŽÙŠÙؤْتَمَن٠ÙÙيهَا الْخَائÙÙ†Ù ØŒ ÙˆÙŽÙŠÙخَوَّن٠ÙÙيهَا الأَمÙين٠، وَيَنْطÙÙ‚Ù ÙÙيهَا الرّÙوَيْبÙضَة٠، Ù‚Ùيلَ : وَمَا الرّÙوَيْبÙضَة٠؟ قَالَ : الرَّجÙل٠التَّاÙÙÙ‡Ù ÙÙÙŠ أَمْر٠الْعَامَّةÙ
Abu Hurairah - radiyallaahu anhu - reported: The Messenger of Allaah - sallaallahu alahyi wa sallam - said:
‘Years of deception shall come upon the people wherein the liar will be believed, the truthful one will be disbelieved, the cheat will be trusted and the trustworthy one will be distrusted, and the ruwaybidah will be talking (endlessly).’ He (sallaallahu alahyi wa sallam) was asked: ‘Who is a ruwaybidah?’ He (sallaallahu alahyi wa sallam) replied: ‘A worthless person (talking) about public matters (of the Muslims).’ [As-Saheehah: 4/508]
Abu Ubayd - rahimahullahu - said: ‘A worthless person’ is he who is despicable (uncouth, Ill-mannered) and insignificant among the people (like someone adorning himself in a garb of knowledge but is grossly ignorant).
And Ibn Battaal - rahimahullahu - said: ‘We have seen much of these signs, and what remains are not farfetched.’ (Shar’h Ibn Battal: 19/274)
Translated by Aboo Aamir Ishaaq bn AbdirRaheem.
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