The Salaf Used to Return All Affairs to Allaah

Wednesday 09-Nov-2022, 5:44AM / 1008

Adapted from the book, Min Akhlaaq Salaf of Shaykh Ahmad Fareed; rendered into English by Ishaaq bn AbdirRaheem

The Salaf would return their affairs to Allâh, the Great, as regard themselves, their children and their companions; never would there be anything they could return to in matters of their guidance except to Allâh – the Great the Mighty; they would not seek anything about themselves except that they return it to Allâh, the Great.

Allâh the Great said about the Believer in the Family of Firaun (who concealed his faith):

“And my affair I leave it to Allâh. Verily, Allâh is the All-Seer of (His) slaves." So Allâh saved him from the evils that they plotted (against him), while an evil torment encompassed Fir'aun's (Pharaoh) people.” (Gâfir: 44- 45).

And Allâh the Great said about the Companions of the Prophet (may Allâh be pleased with them):

“Those (i.e. believers) unto whom the people (hypocrites) said, "Verily, the people (pagans) have gathered against you (a great army), therefore, fear them." But it (only) increased them in Faith, and they said: "Allâh (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us)." (Imrân: 173).

Allâh the Great thus explained the outcome of turning affairs to Him.

One of the Salaf (rh) has said:

‘Nothing benefits the sons of the scholars and the righteous than supplicating for them behind their backs, plus returning their affairs to Allâh the Great.’

One of the pointers to the superiority of returning affairs to Allâh – the Great and the Sublime, and reliance on Him is what Abu Hurairah (ru) reported that the Messenger of Allâh (r) said:

" إن رجلا من بني إسرائيل سأل رجلا أن يسلفه ألف دينار ، فقال له : ائتني بشهداء أشهدهم عليك ، فقال : كفى بالله شهيدا . قال : فائتني بكفيل . قال : كفى بالله كفيلا . قال : صدقت . قال : فدفع إليه ألف دينار إلى أجل مسمى فخرج في البحر و قضى حاجته و جاء الأجل الذي أجل له ، فطلب مركبا فلم يجده فأخذ خشبة فنقرها فأدخل فيها ألف دينار ، و كتب صحيفة إلى صاحبها ثم زجج موضعها ، ثم أتى بها البحر فقال : اللهم إنك قد علمت أني استسلفت من فلان ألف دينار فسألني شهودا و سألني كفيلا ، فقلت : كفى بالله كفيلا فرضي بك و قد جهدت أن أجد مركباأبعث إليه بحقه فلم أجد و إني استودعتكها ، فرمى بها في البحر فخرج الرجلالذي كان أسلفه ينظر لعل مركبا يقدم بماله فإذا هو بالخشبة التي فيها المالفأخذها حطبا فلما كسرها وجد المال و الصحيفة فأخذها ، فلما قدم الرجل قال له :إني لم أجد مركبا يخرج ، فقال : إن الله قد أدى عنك الذي بعثت به في الخشبة فانصرف بالألف راشدا " .

‘Verily a man among the Children of Israel asked someone among the Children of Israel to lend him one thousand dînâr, the latter however said: Bring witnesses for me so that I hold them as witnesses. The man however said: Allâh is sufficient as a Witness. (The other man still) said: Bring a guarantor for me. He said: Allâh is sufficient as a Guarantor. (The lender-to-be then said): You have spoken the truth. So he lent the money to him for an appointed time. So the borrower left for a journey on the sea, after he had finished his business, he sought a ship to take him back home so that he could repay the debt at the expiration of the appointed time but he could not get any, then he got hold of a wood, made a hole into it and dipped in it the one thousand dînâr and added a note with it to the owner of the money, then he covered the place where he had hidden the money, then he went with it to the sea and said: Oh Allâh you know that I owe a fellow one thousand dînâr, and he demanded a guarantor from me and I said: Allâh is sufficient as a Guarantor, he thus became pleased with You and he then asked me of a witness and I said Allâh is sufficient as a Witness, and he was pleased with You, and I have made an effort to get a ride so that I can return his money to him but I could not get one, thus I now send it by You! So he threw the wood into the sea until that landed in it, then the man turned back while he was still looking for a ship to take him back home. Then the man who had lent him the money began to wait for the arrival of a ship which might have brought his money back to him, thus suddenly he did see the wood which had his money (though he did not know), he took the wood home for his people to use, when he spread open the wood, he found the money and the note. Later the borrower came back (from his journey), and he brought out a thousand dînâr (for the lender) and said: By Allâh, I did not cease in looking for a ship so as to bring you your money, but I could not see one except this one which I came with. (The lender said): Did you send anything to me? He replied: I told you I could not get any ship except this one which I came with. (The lender said): Verily Allâh had paid on your behalf what you sent through the wood. So the man left with the one thousand dînâr happily.’[1]

[1] Al-Bukhâri reported it (3/362 in conjunction with Fat’hu Bâri); and Imam Ahmad (2/348).