Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
â€ÙŠØ§ أيها الســلÙـي خذ بنصيØــتي
#واسمع هديت إلى رضا الرØمــن
O you Salafee, take to my advice # and listen, you will be guided to the pleasure of the Most Gracious.
لا تقتــرب Ù†Øـــو "الجدال" Ùــإنّه
#داءٌ يشكــــك ÙÙŠ عÙـــرى الإيمــانÙ
Do not approach al-JidÄl (argument) # because it is a disease that casts doubt to the bonds of Faith.
ودع "التعصب" للــرجــال Ùـــإنّه
#ديــن اليــهــود وزمـرة الشيــطانÙ
Shun al-Ta‘aṣṣub (bigotry) to particular people (of knowledge); # it is the way of the Jews and the sect of Shayá¹Än.
واشكر Øماة العلم واعر٠قدرهم
#واØذر سبيل "مــجــرّØÙ" ÙـتّــــانÙ
Appreciate the Guardians of Knowledge and acknowledge their values, # and be wary of the path of the turbulent Mujarriḥ (criticizer)
â€ÙˆØ§Ù„زم سبيــل الســـالÙين Ùإنهم
#نـــور يــدل التـــائـــه الØـيــرانÙ
Stick to the path of the Salaf (the predecessors), # for they are the light which guides the confused stray person.
واØذر سبيل الظلم والعدوان لا
#تظلم، وخ٠مــن نقمــة الديّانÙ
Beware of the path of injustice and aggression; # do not engage in injustice, and fear the resentment of Ad-DayyÄn (AllÄh, the Judge)
أشغل زمانك بالعــبادة والتـقى
#والــعلــم٠والتــعـليم٠كـــلَّ أوانÙ
Occupy your time with worship and devotion, # learning and teaching all the time.
واترك بضاعة من تردى سوقهم
#ÙÙŠ نيــل عــرض Ùــلانة٠وÙـــلانÙ
Leave the goods of those whose merchandise has suffered loss # in the cause of blackmailing people.
â€ÙˆØ§Ø®Ù„ع مصاØبة الجهول وذي الهوى
#مــن كـــل مبـــتــدع٠وعـش بأمــــانÙ
Disjoint yourself from the company of the ignorant and people of desire # (also) from all mubtadi‘ (innovator), and live safely.
ودع الكـــلام بــمـــا يــضــرك قــوله
#لا تØــقــر الـــذرات Ùـي المــــيـزانÙ
Stay away from words which may harm you (on the Day of resurrection); # Do not belittle any atom on the MÄ«zÄn (Scale).
وإذا تنــــــازع عـالمــان Ùــدعــهـمـا
#للشــرع٠لا للــظــلم والـــعــدوانÙ
When two Scholars disagree, leave them, # for the Shar‘ – religious rite; (do not interfere) for injustice and aggression.
â€Ù„ا تنـتــصر للنــÙس أو لـمــعظَّمÙ
#من غيــر٠ما ديـــن٠ولا بـــرهـــانÙ
Do not support for the sake of personality or dignity # without religious authority or proof.
Ùالكــل آت Ùــي القيــامة٠وØده
#والØــكم٠لله العـــظــيم الشــــانÙ
Because everyone will come on the Day of resurrection individually # and Judgment (on that Day) belongs to AllÄh Almighty.
ودع الكــلام عـن الــرجال لعـالمÙ
#(عدلÙ) (تقـيÙ) (صـادقÙ) (رباني)
Leave the talk about people (al-Jarḥ wal-ta‘dīl – criticism and praise) for the scholar # who is just, pious, truthful and godly.
وصن اللسان عن الشتائم والأذى
#كم باللســـان٠يÙـــز٠للنيـران
Protect your tongue from insulting and hurting (others) # for many will be hastened to Hell due to (the sins of) their tongues.
â€ÙˆØ§Øــذر تÙســرّ بـــزلة٠مـن مسـلمÙ
# وقل: المØــامد٠للـذي عـاÙــاني
Beware of being pleased with the slip of Muslims # rather say “Praise be to Him, who have saved me (from such slip)â€
واستر عيوب الغاÙلين وقل: ولي
#عيبٌ، وستـــر٠الله قـــد غطــاني
Conceal the imperfection of the sinner and say: # “I also have faults only that concealment of AllÄh has covered meâ€
واÙÙ€Ù€Ø±Ø Ø¨ØªÙ€Ù€ÙˆØ¨Ø© تائب٠واØÙــل به
#وكـــأنّــه ما جــــاء بالعصــــيانÙ
Rejoice in the repentance of the penitent and celebrate him, # just as if he has not committed the sin.
إياك "والتعيير" ÙÙŠ ذنب٠مضـى
#من تــائـبÙØŒ Ùـالله ذو الغــÙــرانÙ
Beware of taunting a penitent for a past sin # because AllÄh is All-forgiving.
Ùاقبل نصيØØ© مشÙÙ‚ ÙÙŠ نصØÙ‡
#والزم بها يا ØµØ§Ø ÙƒÙ„ زمان
So, take (my) advice (as a) compassionate counselor, # stick to it – my friend – forever.
Composed by Dr Badr bn Alee al-Utaybee, hafidhahullaah, translated by Aboo Ayman, Yusuf Oyelade.
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