Two Types of Zuhd According to Al-Imaam Sufyaan ath-Thauree - rahimahullah

Friday 31-May-2024, 4:25AM / 695

Sufyan ath-Thauree - rahimahullah - said:

'Zuhd is of two categories:

1. Zuhd Faridah - (abstaining from what is obligatory for you to abstain from).

2. Zuhd Naafilah - (abstaining from what is not obligatory for you to abstain from).

Zuhd Faridah is for you to abstain from:

A. Pride
B. Arrogance
C. Domination
D. Showing off (with present deeds) 
E. Showing off (with past deeds)
F.  Adorning oneself before the people (with the intention of pride)

Zuhd Naafilah is for you to abstain from what Allaah has granted you of lawful provisions. When you shun any of such then it becomes imperative on you that you shun it not because of anyone else but Allaah.'

As-Siyar 6/627

(An example of Zuhd Naafilah is to part with one's wealth for the benefit of others solely because of Allaah).