The Penitent Musician That Made Ibn Mas'ood Cry

Wednesday 12-Jun-2024, 10:17AM / 1043

Al-Imaam adh-Dhahabi - rahimahullah - recorded in his Siyar vol.5 p.159 (Daarul Ghad al-Jadeed 2021 Edition) that Ibn Adiyy said about Zadhan Abu Umar, a Taabi that was born during the time of the Messenger of Allaah - sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - who was a resident of Kufah.

He said Zadhan used to be a musician who was good at using the flute and was blessed with a good voice.

He said: 'I was a chap with a sonorous voice and was good at playing the flute. I was with a friend of mine, and with us was some nabeedh drink. I was singing for them then Ibn Mas'ood walked past. He entered where we were, he smashed the vessel and broke the flute then said: 'If that good voice that was heard from you is used for the Qur'aan it would have been better for you, O chap.' Then he moved on. I asked my comrades who he was. They said he was Ibn Mas'ood (the companion of the Messenger of Allaah - sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). It then occurred to me at that moment that I should repent. So, I walked up behind him crying. I held his cloth. He turned to me, hugged me, and began to cry too. He said: 'Welcome to he whom Allaah loves.' He asked me to sit then he entered and came out with some dates which he gave me to eat.'

Zadhan later learnt from the Companions such as Salman, Aaishah, Hudhayfah, Jareer Al-Bajalee, Ibn Umar, Ibn Aazib, and many others.

Ataa bn as-Saaib was one of his later students.

He died 82AH. Rahimahullah.