The Signs of He Who Loves to Be Seen As A Scholar

Wednesday 04-Sep-2024, 10:08AM / 573

مستشيخٌ "قليل" التربية!
A Claimant of Scholarship Who Had A Little Training! 

ولا غرابة أن يتصدر للعلم والتعليم من:

It will not be strange if he pops himself up to knowledge and teaching, he who:

يتخبط في الفتوى
ويتقلب في المذهب
ويجترئ على العلماء
ولا يراعي مصلحة
ولا يدافع مفسدة
ويتكلم فيما يحسن السكوت عنده
ويسكت عما يحسن الكلام فيه
ويظهر للعالم بسخافة عقلٍ وسوء أدب! 

1...mixes things up in his religious verdicts. unstable in his views. 
3...stands up to the scholars (to school them). 
4....does not weigh maslahah (greater benefits in matters). 
5....does not seek to prevent greater evil from happening (in ssues). 
6....speaks where is best for him  to keep shut. 
7....keeps shut where is best for him to talk. 
8...shows to the world (his) daftness and bad ettiquette.

فمن وجدتموه كذلك؛ فاسألوه:
مـن شـيـخـك؟!
وعلى يد من درست؟

When you see anyone who fits the above descriptions, ask him:
1. Who is your teacher? 
2. Upon whose hand did you take knowledge? 

فلا يكاد تجدونه درس عند عالمٍ متبِّع، ولا تربى في مجالس إمام يُقتدى به

You will most likely see him not learning from a scholar people look up to, neither takes training under a Imaam people emulate. 

 بدر بن علي بن طامي العتيبي

Written by: Ash-Shaykh Badr bn Aliyy bn Taamee al-Utaybee 

01/03/1446AH (September 4, 2024)
Culled from his Facebook page.