Immoral People Marry Late

Thursday 29-Nov-2018, 4:30PM / 1403

Gathered, translated and uploaded by: Abu Khadeejah al-Atharee 

On the authority of Taawus who said:

قال طاوس: لتنكحن أو لأقولن لك ما قال عمر لأبي الزوائد: "ما يمنعك عن النكاح إلا عجز أو فجور".

" You either get married or I shall tell you as Umar (radhiyal Laahu 'anh) told Abu Zawaaid:

" Nothing prevents you from marriage other than ineptitude or immorality... "

 - Recorded by Abdur-Razzaaq in Masannaf (10384).

Shaykh Saalih al-Uthaymeen (rahimahul Laah) said:

" وإنني أنصح الشباب في سرعة التزوج لا سيما في هذا العصر الذي كثرت فيه أسباب الفتن والمغريات، ولذلك تجد كثيراً من الشباب يعاني من مشقة العزوبة، ولولا ما عنده من الإيمان بالله عز وجل لذهب يتصيد الفاحشة"

"I will advice the youths about early marriage especially at this time when sensual trials are abound. This is why you will find many of the youths who suffer from the calamities of being single and if not for their belief in Allaah, they would chase after immorality..."

- Fataawaa Nuur 'alad Darb [362]