His Teacher Told Him: Memorize A Verse Per Day

Wednesday 12-Jun-2019, 12:14PM / 1203


Aboo Bakr bn 'Ayaash (popularly known as Al-Imaam Shu'bah in the circles of Qur'aan learning) - may Allaah bestow mercy on him - said: 'I read Qur'aan to' Aasim bn Abee An-Najood (who is also the teacher of Hafs, the popular reporter of Qur'aan common today), he would ask me to read a verse for him each day, and I would not do more than that. He would say: 'This is better for your retention.' I was not at rest if the Shaykh would not die before I finished all the Qur'aan on him. So I was seeking his indulgence to permit me to do more until he granted me to make it five verses every day.'

Tabaqaat al-Hanaabilah: 1/42 as quoted in Ma'alim Fee Taareeq Talabil Ilm of Ash-Shayk Abdul-Azeez As-Sad'haan - may Allaah preserve him, p.181