Question: How can a seeker of (of the Islamic) knowledge become abstemious in life, humble with his knowledge with no pride, and the same time having his heart attached to Allaah?
Answer: The seeker of knowledge must know his state, weakness, incapacity and nothingness in the Sight of Allaah. He should read about the life of the Prophet (salallaahu alahyi wa sallam) and his humility. There was an occurrence when a Bedouin came to the Prophet (salallaahu alahyi wa sallam) and held him tight by his over garment such that he made marks to his body saying: ‘O Muhammad, give unto me from your wealth.’ And the Prophet (salallaahu alahyi wa sallam) gave him.
The Prophet (salallaahu alahyi wa sallam) had said: ‘None will humble himself except that Allaah will raise him.’
Reading about the lifetime of the Prophet (salallaahu alahyi wa sallam) as well as the Companions will assist you on humility. Know that you are weak and unable; you are susceptible to diseases and other things. This will let you know that you have to always refer your matters to Allaah the Most High.