The Message of Suratul Faatihah (3)- Madaarijus Saalikeen

Friday 15-Mar-2024, 4:56AM / 649

Ramadan Day Five 

That in 'Ihdinas Siratal mustaqeem' we are in an everlasting chase after Hidaayah - Guidance, as Muslims.

The notion that if we are already guided why do we need further guidance is wrong.

We need further guidance because what we don't know is still much, what we like to carry out of acts of righteousness but which we are lax about are much, also what we like to carry out as good deeds but which we are unable to are much. What we know summarily are more than what we know in details.

We are therefore in need of a Complete Guidance.

Even if it is assumed that someone has got all the guidance or the greatest part of it, he will still need to pray for steadfastness and firmness on that guidance. That itself is asking for more Guidance.

(Didn't Allaah teach His Prophet - sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - to pray for more knowledge?)

The Messenger of Allaah - sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - was the vehicle of our guidance but it Allaah that grants guidance.

The guidance from the Prophet - sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - as a vehicle is Hidaayah Al-Bayaan wad Dalaalah. Allaah as the only granter of guidance is Hidaayah At-Tawfeeq wal Il'haam.

(The second part of this Hidaayah talk continues tomorrow Inshaa Allaah).

Click here to listen to the above it in Yoruba Language.