Ramadan Day Seven
In 'Siraatal-ladheena an'amta alayhim, ghayril maghdoobi alayhim wa laad Daaleen', whole of the people can be grouped into three:
Those who earn favour from Allaah.
Those who earn Allaah's anger.
And those who are lost.
A slave can either know the truth, or be ignorant of it, or knows it and acts contrary to it.
He who knows the truth and acts by it is under the Favour from Allaah - the Mighty. This is the person that has cleansed his soul with Beneficial Knowledge and righteous deeds. In other words, he is a muflih - the successful one.
But he that knows the truth but still follows his self-desires is the one under the anger of Allaah, al-Maghdoobu alayhi.
He that is ignorant of the truth is the one that is lost, ad-Daall.
He that is under the anger of Allaah is also lost with respect to guidance to actions, while he that is ignorant of the truth is under the anger of Allaah for being lost from knowledge that can lead to actions.
Therefore each of the duo is lost and under the anger of Allaah.
Whoever also abandons acting with the truth after knowing it is more entitled to being referred to as maghdoobul alayhi. This description best fits the Jews.
While the person who is ignorant of the truth is more befitting of being called daallun, this is where the Christians come in.
Adiyy bn Haatim, radiyallahu anhu, said the Messenger of Allaah - sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - said 'the Jews are the Maghdoobi alayhim while the Christians are the Daalloon.' At-Tirmidhi and Ibn Hibban reported it (authenticated by Al-Albaani in Saheeh Al-Jaami)
Listen to its Yoruba version here.