Ramadan Day Eight
Also in 'Siratal-ladheena an'amta alayhim, ghayril maghdoobi alayhim...', Allaah ascribed an-Ni'mah (favour) to Himself while He didn't do so while mentioning al-Ghadab (anger).
Al-Imaam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah - rahimahullah - said that is according to the way of the Qur'aan, that Allaah will not ascribe evil or unpleasant things to Himself (even though nothing happens outside His Infinite Knowledge and Wisdom).
Also that when Allaah limits the Ni'mah to the people of the Straight Path, it means that the Ni'mah is Absolute for them.
That in the understanding of Ni'mah, there is a general form of Ni'mah for all the creation while there is another one for only the Believers in His Oneness.
The Ni'mah for only the believers is called an-Ni'mah al-Mutlaqah while the one for the generality of mankind is Mutlaq an-Ni'mah.
Allaah in His Infinite Wisdom grants favour to all but has special favour He grants only the believers which reflects in a tranquil life a true believer lives in tawakkul, qanaa'ah, hubbul-Laah, etc, with the ultimate destination in Jannah where lies the peak of all grace and bliss.
Listen to its Yoruba version here.