The Message of Suratul Faatihah (7) - Madaarijus Saalikeen

Tuesday 19-Mar-2024, 6:43AM / 587

Allaah used a singular form of the word, 'Siraat', to refer to the Path that leads to Him while the several other paths lead to perdition. 

The hadeeth narrated by Abdullah bn Mas'ood - radiyallahu anhu - also captures that. That when the Messenger of Allaah - sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - was to explain Verse 153 of Suratu al-An'aam, he - sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - drew a straight line on the ground and said 'this is the Path of Allaah.' Then he drew some other lines left and right, and said 'as for these paths, upon each of the paths is a shaytaan calling to it.' (Authenticated by Al-Albaani in Shar'h at-Tahawiyyah, 525)

The Path of Allaah - the Mighty - is One. (That is the Path of the Qur'aan and Sunnah.) That is the Path upon which the Messengers were sent, and the Books were revealed. 

None can get to Allaah except through that Path.

All other paths and entries people might want to take to arrive at Jannah (illegally) will be closed against them.

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