Ramadan Day Ten
The Straight Path may, at a point in time, have a few people treading it, in fact, that is a common feature.
No matter what, the trotter on Allaah's path (as-Saalik) should never feel lonely on the Path even if there is none beside him.
It is part of human instincts to feel lonely but it is not for the Saalik to give that a thought for he may be physically lonely, he has many righteous people - such as the Anbiyaa, Siddiqoon, Shuhadaa - that had preceded him on the path.
Those predecessors are the ones under the Mercy and Favour Allaah therefore the Saalik should look up to them.
Those who oppose him - on the Path - might be many in number but they are worthless and useless.
One of the Salaf (Fudayl bn Iyaad) - rahimahullah - said:
'Upon you is is the Path of Truth, do not feel lonely because of the few people that follow it; and stay away from the Path of Falsehood, do not be deceived by the huge numbers of the doomed.'
Here is its audio in Yoruba.