Ramadan Day Eleven
The person on the Straight Path is surrounded by devilish people trying to snatch him away from that Path.
There are two similitude for this:
One, of someone going to the masjid to observe the Salat which is the means to his success in the Hereafter, and which is a great ingredient for his steadfastness on the Path.
That if a devilish person stops him on his way to the masjid and have a useless talk with him, if that talk then leads to an altercation between them, that Muslim would as a result lose his focus to the masjid whether he overpowers the other person or otherwise. That other person has nothing to lose.
Two, of a deer sprinting away from a wild dog in the forest. Ordinarily a dog is no match for a deer in a race but if the latter should begin to feel it is being pursued by the dog, or tries to look back at it, as they sprint, the dog might catch up with it, and that will spell a doom for it.
Therefore let the treader on the Path remain focused. Giving attention to the numerous traducers around him will bring him a downfall.
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