Ramadan Day Sixteen
When Al-Hamd is used for Allaah, we affirm all the Perfect Attributes for Him as we free Him from the opposite meanings those things can connote.
For instance, He praises Himself as not having a son to indicate the Perfection in His Samadiyyah (being the Master who is in need of none), Ghinaa (Self-sufficiency), Mulk (Control) and Ta'beed (making others to become His slaves). If He had taken a son, all those Attributes will be meaningless.
He also praises Himself as having no partner to indicate that He is the Only One in His Ruboobiyyah (Lordship) and Ilaahiyyah (Divinity).
He adopts Perfect Attributes for Himself - which none can be described with - lest others become partners unto Him (when they are so described).
If He is regarded as not having those Attributes (as the Jahmiyyah say) then other existing beings will be more perfect than Him because what exists is perfect that what does not.
Allaah will not describe Himself with what does not exist unless if such thing points to His Greatness and Perfection. For instance, He said He will not die, neither is He overtaken by slumber or sleep, for the obvious weakness in those attributes.
He describes Himself as having the knowledge of everything such that nothing - big or small - can escape Him, that of course, points to His Perfect Knowledge.
He says He will not be unjust to anyone because He is Perfect in Justice and Fairness.
He says sight cannot behold Him (in this world) to indicate His Majesty.
Therefore everything He praises Himself with in the Qur'aan has an opposite weakness of it which He frees Himself from.
Al-Hamd thence is to praise Allaah with all the Perfect Attributes while freeing Him from what is opposite of that.
All that points to making Him One in His Asmaa and Sifaat.
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