Ramadan Day Twenty-Four
Levels of Guidance: (1) Allaah Talking to His Slave
Al-Hidaayah - guidance - can be categorised into two: al-Hidaayah al-Khaasah (Special Guidance) and al-Hidaayah al-Aamah (General Guidance).
There are about nine levels to it the first of which is when a slave reaches a stage where Allaah communicates with him (and he back to Him) directly while he is awake.
Prophet Musa bn Imraan (alayhi salaam) is an example here (Allaah spoke to our Prophet - sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - too at Mi'raaaj). Allaah the Majestic spoke to him as a matter of fact.
He the Majestic said: 'And Allaah spoke to Musa takleeman (in reality).'
The word 'takleeman' comes as an emphasis which no other meaning can be given to.
Other Messengers like those who came after Nooh used to recieve the Revelation from Allaah but via an intermediary. But Musa, Allaah spoke to him directly, this when he went to receive the Tauraah. In other instances, Allaah spoke to him via an intermediary too.
The Jahmiyyah and the Mu'tazilah are wrong to say the manner in which Allaah spoke to Musa was by Il'haam (Intuition) and the speech was Kalaam Nafsaani (Inspirational Speech), or that it was an assumption by Musa which he gave meanings to.
The emphasis, 'takleeman', destroys all the claims of Jahmiyyah and their cohorts.
(It should be noted that while there is nobody in this era that can claim that Allaah speaks to him, the general understanding that when a believer suplicates to Allaah quietly he is communing with Allaah remains a fact. Thus the communication here is one-way even when it is known that Allaah hears every supplication of His slave.)
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